In an era where information is abundant, and opportunities seem infinite, navigating the path to success can be daunting. Grace Ihejiamaizu’s Go Global with Opportunities: Every Young Person’s Guide to Accessing Global Opportunities ” serves as an essential roadmap for young people seeking to seize the world’s best opportunities.
The author serves the bowl of opportunities in a dynamic and refreshing manner. She uses her personal experiences as a stepping stone to expose the reader to endless opportunities, thanks to the internet. According to her, studies show that 3 out of every five young Africans are unemployed, underemployed and on the lookout for opportunities to ‘hammer’ outside the continent. Likewise, 7 out of 10 young people across the globe are currently using their smartphones to look for opportunities seemingly beyond their reach. One out of every ten will be lucky; the remaining 90% will give up at some point because of age restrictions, fear of rejection and other factors.
Are you among the 90% about to give up? Then, this book is for you!

Grace Ihejiamaizu’s decision to use her personal experiences in this “Complete Guide on your journey to Going Global” offers unquestionable credibility, not just for the book but also for the fact that anyone can achieve anything.
The five-chapter book is embedded with relevant quotes and personal experiences from individuals who have experienced the wonders of accessing quality opportunities, thanks to Grace Ihejiamaizu’s expertise. She calls this tiny box of wonders “keeping it real,” and honestly, there couldn’t have been a better name.
Each chapter focuses on a pivotal stage on the journey to accessing international opportunities. It begins with preparing for opportunities, which aligns with developing the right attitude. Next, the author sheds light on the process of applying for opportunities; after that comes the next step and for the last chapter, Grace charges readers to go global. Even then, she does not leave you hanging. She lists over a hundred websites where you can access global opportunities, ranging from fellowships to grants/competitions and even scholarships, and a launchpad if you like.
The salient points are listed at the end of each chapter. This aids further study and referencing, a rarity in several books. However, it cements the author’s experience and passion to make things easier for the coming generations.
In conclusion, Grace Ihejiamaizu’s Go Global with Opportunities: Every Young Person’s Guide to Accessing Global Opportunities brings together a community to help a growing community. She spares no effort in gathering information and personal experiences to highlight opportunities and shows that you can aim very high and still surpass your expectations.
It is a simple yet profound young person’s guide to taking over the world.
Title: Go Global with Opportunities: Every Young Person’s Guide to Accessing Global Opportunities!
Author: Grace Ihejiamaizu
Page count: 172 pages
Publisher: Independently Published
Year of publication: 2018