5 Practical Ways to Advance Your Career

By TMC Editor
22nd Mar, 2024
3 mins read
Career Tips
Career Tips

If you’re here, you’re among the proactive individuals embracing the challenge of self-improvement. In today’s rapidly evolving world, continuous learning isn’t just beneficial – it’s essential. Staying abreast of industry changes is key to remaining relevant and competitive in your professional journey.

You owe it to yourself and your career to seek new ways to better yourself for personal and corporate benefits. That said, the next part of your journey would require a different you, different thinking that would launch you out of your comfort zone. 

Here are some ways we found to help you progress in your career:

  1. Maximise the internet 

With the numerous educational resources in this information era, it’s almost a professional crime not to be on the lookout for growth in your line of work. 

From free podcasts offering quick glucose shots for the mind to free learning site subscriptions and articles, the internet is a clear witness against anyone who fails to use it adequately. Taking out an hour or two at the end of your work week can provide small but rewarding incremental changes in how you go about your career.

  1. Do lateral thinking

Coined by Edward De Bono, lateral thinking is a kind of mental process which goes beyond the A to Z sequence of normal logical and critical thought. 

Though critical reasoning is generally looked out for by employers, lateral thinking is a skill that is highly valued in the world today because of its ability to be extremely resourceful and progressive, especially in very competitive industries.  Lateral thinking improves creativity and yields radical results that solve problems and aid innovation. 

  1. Set clear career goals

No matter where you are in your career, setting career goals should be a given. These goals are essential for putting the ups and downs in perspective. They also help you make grounded decisions between specific short-term and long-term actions and revitalise your drive. 

The idea is to have a great, mildly intimidating goal that would stretch you. Without goals, your biggest wins have no meaning because there is no context in your career journey.

  1. Practice political intelligence

Practising political intelligence means placing your good deeds where all can see them. Inevitably, this implies that you have to go out of your way and paycheck to solve problems that may be in public view or that you (as a person of insight) may have discovered. 

By displaying your hard work, you are often in the face of your employers, and it’s easier for your name to pop up when making recommendations for promotion or compensation.

  1. Put your net where the fish is

The only sure thing in life is uncertainty. This means you shouldn’t risk getting too comfortable with the illusory security of a paycheck. In the corporate world, constantly scouting for a new job while still employed is the norm. 

This doesn’t mean you aren’t dedicated to your current company; it simply means you are preparing for any uncertainties that may come your way – layoffs, inflation, bankruptcy, etc. Think of it as a corporate safety net. And in whatever community or organisation you find yourself in, learn to build a symbiotic (give-and-take) relationship, as it will expand your network of helpful career go-getters. 

Conclusively, advancing your career goes beyond attending a webinar,  workshop, or reading books. It’s a side job that you should give sufficient attention to as you go through your daily work. 

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