Is Writing a Cover Letter for a Job Application Still Important in 2024?
By TMC Editor
16th Feb, 2024
2 mins read
Career Tips
Career Tips

One of the longest-standing debates in professional writing is whether you need a cover letter when applying for a job. Many believe a well-structured Curriculum Vitae (CV) is enough to secure a job, while others believe cover letters give you an edge over other candidates. So what’s the verdict?

Choosing to write a cover letter depends on many factors. For example, in cases where your CV lacks the needed professional experience, cover letters are an opportunity to sell yourself and your drive.

When you should write a cover letter

  1. Cover letters increase your chances of an interview

Recruiters believe that including a cover letter means you have taken extra time to learn about the company and tailored your qualifications in line with that. This gives your candidacy a higher chance than others, as Jobvite’s research showed that at least 26% of recruiters consider the cover letter before hiring any applicant.

  1. Cover letters show your competence

Jobs involving communications, writing, or public relations may require writing a cover letter to test your language proficiency level. Multinational companies may also request it during the recruiting process, so it’s best to have a well-written cover letter before that time. 

  1. Cover letters highlight your referrals

When you are recommended for a job, the best way to make this known is through the cover letter. It becomes an excellent way to pitch yourself for the position and show why you were referred for the role. Find out the hiring manager’s name, address the letter to them, and pitch your way to the top!

When you should avoid a cover letter

There are cases where you do not need to write a cover letter, such as

  1. When it’s not a requirement

The truth is that although 56% of the majority of recruiters require a cover letter, it’s counterproductive to include one if the job posting explicitly says not to. If you feel your resume is lacking, still going ahead to write a cover letter in this case won’t help you and could even work to your disadvantage. Instead, have a good portfolio which demonstrates your capabilities to link to.

  1. When the company uses an application software

Some companies use an applicant tracking system that nullifies a job seeker’s need to submit a cover letter. In such cases, questionnaires fill the gap as you’d be required to share necessary information about yourself and your professional experience.

In summary, there is no clear-cut answer for whether cover letters are still necessary, but you can identify when it will work in your favour. 

Do you need professionals to curate the perfect cover letter? You can send us an email today.

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